The objectives are
- To give awards to the films and artists as may be adjudged as the best outstanding. The Award shall be known as the Prem Nazir Foundation Award.
- To establish, assist, finance or aid to or help in the setting up and / or maintaining and /or running schools, colleges and other institutions or establishments for the advancement of education and knowledge in Arts, Science, Literature etc.
- To give, provide and/or render help and assistance in cash or kind to pooe and / or destiture people.
- To give, provide and/or render help and assistance to and / or implement any scheme for providing livelihood and upliftment of poor
- To meet travelling, boarding and lodging expenses for students going abroad for higher education as may be decided by the Board of Trustees.
- To grant, pay or give scholarships, stipends, prizes, awards, allowances and other financial assistance or help in cash or kind to deserving students for promoting their studies in schools, colleges and other educational institutions.
- To publish books, pamphlets, periodicals, and newspapers in India or abroad for the spread and advancement of education and culture.
- To promote, organize, administer, establish, support, maintain and / or grant to any person, institution or society or organization the objects of which are in conformity, with the Trust.
- To convene and or host, seminars and meetings to discuss and exchange opinion relating to any subjects as may be decided by the Board of Trustees.
- To open, establish, promote, setup and maintain hospitals, boarding houses, conference halls, wedding halls, libraries, training and vocational institutions, child welfare centers, hotels, industrial establishments, or any other institutions as may be decided by the Trust from time to time.
- And such other objectives which are not inconsistent with the objectives described in the bulletted items above.